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5 Skincare Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making

5 Skincare Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making

There are certain skincare blunders that all of us have made at one time or another, such as falling into bed with a full face of makeup on or neglecting to wear sunscreen. Most of us have tried new fads and products based on hype instead of research, with disastrous results.

These are the skincare mistakes all of us make, and usually we learn our lesson. However, there are also a number of mistakes you might not even realize you’re making, and you could be damaging your skin in the process. Here are just a few common snafus that can easily be averted.

1. Neglecting your skin

Your mother probably taught you how to take care of your skin by washing and moisturizing daily and always removing your makeup before bed. Just because you follow this simple skincare regime, however, doesn’t mean you’re doing all you can to create a beautiful, glowing complexion and stave off the signs of aging.

You don’t need a medicine cabinet full of pricy products to properly care for your skin, but neither can you neglect it. Daily washing is essential, but you can do a lot more, especially with the right products.

For example, it’s never too soon to start using anti-aging products. With environmental factors like sun, cold winter weather, smog, and other pollutants attacking your skin, you can’t afford to neglect skincare.

Daily use of Vitality26 products can help you to keep skin full and hydrated while fighting damage and the signs of aging. The best part is that adding these products to your daily regimen will actually save you time. When your skin is healthy, you’ll find it faster and easier to apply cosmetics and look your best.

2. Using the wrong products for your skin type

There are three main skin types where skincare products are concerned: oily, dry, and combination. However, some people also have sensitive skin, while others deal with adult acne. Plus, you should know that your skin can change as you age.

Understanding these factors can help you to select the right skin care products. However, you should take the time to reassess your skin and your skincare routine regularly to ensure that you always get proper hydration, anti-aging benefits, and protection from possible damage.

3. Under-hydrating

Hydration isn’t just for your body. Drinking eight glasses of water (or more) each day can help to flush your system and keep your body functioning properly. It does this by providing cells with proper hydration, and this includes your skin.

That said, the products you use and environmental factors can combat even the best dietary hydration strategy and leave you with damaged or dry skin. You need to find the right hydrating products, like the Vitality 26 Extra Hydrating Facial Cream, that are designed to infuse your skin with hydration and combat the effects of drying elements like harsh winter weather or daily washing.

4. Using too many products

If you use the right products for your skin and choose high-quality products, you don’t need to pile on the lotions and potions in order to maintain stellar skin. In fact, too many products could have contradictory effects or even cause skin irritation.

5. Using products in the wrong order

Even if you’ve done your research and found the best anti-aging cream and serum for your skin, you might not be getting the greatest benefits from your products if you apply them in the wrong order. I know what you’re thinking: there’s a proper order?

Many women don’t realize that products are meant to be layered in a specific way to ensure that ingredients are absorbed by skin for the greatest effect. When it comes to serums and creams, serums should always be applied first.

The reason is that serums tend to contain the most nourishing (and expensive) ingredients. They can do a lot of good, but only if they are in direct contact with your skin. If you want to get your money’s worth, you can’t have any products in the middle that could block your serum from sinking in.

For example, when you purchase the Vitality26 anti-aging serum, you want to make sure the skin-plumping hyaluronic acid and hydrating organic oils are totally absorbed so that you can hydrate skin to the fullest. From there you can layer on the best wrinkle cream to seal in products and protect your skin.

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